Publications, editions

11 books, 1 lecture notes, 3 book chapters, she is the author or co-author of approximately 180 scientific papers published in Hungarian, Romanian as well as international scientific magazines and volumes of conference proceedings, she is the editor of 30 volumes of conference proceedings of which to 4 she is co-editor.

She initiated the publishing of a series of  books in Hungarian, which also contained results of research. These volumes are monographies that were hitherto missing from the sources available to those pursuing a master’s or a doctoral degree within the Hungarian technical schools: Introduction to the Informatics for Technologies of Materials  (Bevezetés az anyagtechnológiák informatikájába, 2007);  Surface Treatment and Modeling by Laser (Lézeres felületkezelés és modellezés, 2007).;  Surface Treatment (Felületkezelés, 2009); Welding Techniques I. Procedures and mechanization ( Hegesztéstechnika I. Eljárások és gépesítés); Welding Techniques II.  Installations and measurements.( Hegesztéstechnika II. Berendezések és mérések, 2010); Laboratory for the Science of Materials I. ( Anyagtudományi laboratórium I., 2011);  The Metallurgical Fundamentals of Welding, Soldering and Thermal Cutting (A hegesztés, a forrasztás és a termikus vágás fémtechnológiai alapismeretei, 2013).

She is the editor of the history of science and technique series, also co-author to 4 of the hitherto published 11 volumes: társszerzője Heritage of Technical History in Magyarvalkó, Kalotaszeg (Technikatörténeti örökség a kalotaszegi Magyarvalkón, 2009); Heritage of Technical History in Magyargyerőmonostor (Technikatörténeti örökségek Magyargyerőmonostoron, 2010); Heritage of technical History in the Kalotaszeg, in the Shadow of the Gothic (Technikatörténeti örökség Kalotaszegen a gótika árnyékában, 2011); Kide, the Village Built of Stone (Kide, a kőből épült település, 2015), author of one: The Technical Heritage of the “Only” Miner in Transylvania: Debreceni Márton (Az „egyetlen” erdélyi bányász. Debreceni Márton műszaki öröksége, 2016).

The detailed list of publications can be accessed in the Repository of Hungarian Scientific Work: MTMT.

She is an editor of the Technical Science Papers (MTF) series ISSN 2068 – 3081,, of the Technical Scientific Communications (MTK) series ISSN 2393-1280, and of the Scientific and Technical History Papers (TTF) series ISSN 2068 – 3103,

Editor-in-Chief of the series Acta Materialia Transylvanica, ISSN 2601 – 1883,

She is a founder and manager of the Transylvanian Digital Database (

Professional CV downloadable from CV2-eng-BitayE-2020-10-13.doc.

List of publications downloadable from: PL-hu-BitayE-2020-10-17.doc.